Journey Back in Time

Journey Back in Time - Natural History Museum

Lazy Friday

Well, if the title has not given away, i was feeling very lazy and just did not want to get out of the bed and do you blame me??? The weather was crap, with winds blowing at 100 mph (exaggerating) but it was cold AND water pouring down from heaven above in the form of rain :~(  
This was not helping me.

Shoes of Prey - Make your Mark

Blackand Red Hairskin open toe shoes from "Shoes of Prey"
Peep Toe Hairy

I came across this fabulous website Shoes of Prey through wendyslookbook.
Wendy and Shoes of Prey are working on a project together and i am sure this one be as exciting as her last movie "Be Your Shoeself". It is about Flats that wanted to be Heels. If you haven't watched it yet, you should. It's amazing.

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